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Phoenix for Mac Leopard

Phoenix for Mac Leopard

Screenshots of Phoenix for Mac Leopard

Phoenix for Mac Leopard Publisher's Description

Anti Theft Software that keeps your laptop safe has never been easier.It tracks the location of your lost or stolen Macbook using the latest technology to identify a thiefs whereabouts! And it protects your sensitive data and information.

Now you can increase the likelihood of recovering your laptop, and that peace of mind is priceless. Best of all, this is a one-time purchase.

How it works?

Pinpoints the location of the thief and collects vital details to assist in the recovery of a stolen Mac.

Upon connecting to an internet network, an authentication dialog will request the user to enter a password. If the user fails to enter the correct password within the pre-defined timing, hidden alerts (email, video and twitter message) and location will be sent out immediately to alert the owner.

Skyhook Wireless* - Hybrid positioning system (XPS) is a software-only location solution that allows any mobile device with Wi-Fi, GPS or a cellular radio (GSM/CDMA) to determine its position with an accuracy of 10 to 20 meters.

Alert Message -When connected to the internet sends out silently in the background with no indication that the software is running. Repetitive alerts can be set to send Alert Message every minute in the background.

Tamper Proof -Password protection ensures no unauthorized access to the software. The machine will automatically 'freeze up' and display details on how to contact the owner.

Auto Start Up -Autoruns every time the computer is connected to the internet.

Location of thief -The location based service (Skyhook Wireless), provides the geolocation of the stolen laptop packed into a web address and be sent out.

Video Recording -Using the built-in iSight camera it records and sends out alerts together with other important information; IP addresses, machine serial number, MAC Hardware Address and even details of of nearby of nearby wireless networks

Twitter -With Twitter, owner can also receive the alerts via IM, email, web or SMS.

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